Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Week 2 Guatemala

As our thoughts go through what we have done over our second week, it seems as though we have been here for more than a month.  With only having one day off, and being gone from base for 14 hours each day, we have done so much and have had so little time to ourselves, but boy, has it been such a treasure to our hearts.

Sunday, we were guests to two churches in which we did our presentations.  The first, a small indigenous church and the second, a mega church of 900 - 1000 people.  We have also been to some poor neighborhoods and have ran one-and-a -half to two hour programs in which the whole family attends.  When we arrive at our locations for
the program, we have anywhere from 80 - 100 children and adults that turn out to see what we are all about. We have also cleaned a church and done adult ministry out on the streets.

Please pray that we are able to keep humble hearts because often times we feel like royalty. As we are humbled by the Guatemalan people's acts  of kindness, it reminds us of what we have been studying in the book of Acts (2&4) where the believers had everything in common; selling all their possessions and giving to anyone in need. The people here have so little, and yet they give everything they have, and have truly been a blessing to us all.
By CarmiƱa

The Lord Determines
Wednesday was one of those days where man plots his course, but the Lord determines his steps. We had originally planned to go and visit the mayor of Chimaltenango and do a message and drama for him, amongst others, but our plans were changed so we decided to do open air ministry in a near by park. We didn't expect so many people, but the Lord brought many people to hear the gospel. Even though there's a language barrier for some of us, we were still able to do some counseling with the little Spanish that we know. Amongst the crowd we noticed a lot of Americans in green shirts, and it turns out that they were also on a missions trip. They were there mostly to build houses, but for this particular day they were passing out tracks. There was mutual encouragement between the teams, as we were working together for the furthering of he gospel.
By Ruth Ann

God Controls All Things
On Monday we did ministry for kids and adults. First, we went from door to door and to tell people about our program and to invite them to come and see. This was pretty challenging considering I hardly know any Spanish.  When our ministry program began, the sky started to darken and it looked like it was about to rain. In Guatemala this time of year, it is their winter which they call their rainy season, but every time we have done ministry outside God has held back the rain. So, we prayed and asked God to hold off the rain and He did. We were able to do our whole program: skits, dramas, tricks and our Gospel presentation with the sketch board.  I also had a chance to do my kids message which was pretty scary for me because I had never done this message before and I don't usually like talking to lots of people, but the team prayed for me and God gave me the words to say. Now, I'm ready to keep doing messages. It's crazy because if you would have asked me a few days ago if I liked preaching to kids, I would have said no, but now I keep on asking if I can do the message. It's crazy to see how God works.(:
By Shauna

Oatmeal Drank
I have been involved with Mission Possible for four years now, and through it all I have never witnessed an adult come to Christ. I believe God lets us experience moments like that when we are ready to experience them. This week I witnessed someone make a confession of faith, and call on the name of the Lord. It could not have come at a better time. Throughout the week I had doubts about the effectiveness of our ministry. We don’t speak the language, and we only have one good translator. We can’t counsel and disciple people the way we can with English speakers. So right when I began to doubt - like Peter walking on water - God showed me that He is always in control, and His Gospel will always be effective.
By Adam
Kids program in poor neighborhood

Rat Trap
Cleaning the church of Chimalentango

Kids program in poor neighborhood

 Kids Ministry Programs

Man Plots his Course, but the Lord Determines his Steps

Scenes of Guatemala

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