Friday, June 21, 2013

Week 1 Arrival in Guatemala

Week 1 of Ministry
No rest for the weary, the first day after we arrived, we had to be up before the crack of dawn to start training people in puppet making, puppetry and drama/mine.  We have also been to a number of schools, some Christian and some even non Christian to run their assemblies from elementary to high school aged children presenting our program before 300 to 600 children in the assemblies.  We also did a kids club in a neighborhood in which 170 - 200 kids and adults attended. At this meeting we had the privilege of seeing a young, single mother come to Christ.  To God be the Glory!

Seeing with New Eyes
Upon arriving in Guatemala, we received a warm welcome with "Welcome to Guatemala" signs and decorations. The people here have very thankful hearts that we have come so far to speak with them. Their hearts are very much open to the message of the Gospel; not hardened which brings great joy to us.  All of this is very much different from our ministry in California last summer.

Close to the mission, there are two volcanoes; one of which is active. As I looked around at all these people, I thought to myself that the moment this volcano erupts, most people in this area will perish and why on earth do they live so close to a volcano? God soon spoke to my heart and made me think that we all could perish in an instant and as Christian we should have eyes and look at everyone in this way in order to think and act upon the urgency of sharing the greatest message.  Therefore, being here in Guatemala to share this message of the Gospel is all the more precious.
By Carmina

Learning New Things
In the past three days we have done a full day of training, done five presentations for school assemblies, two with kids and three with teens, and we even played a basketball game against some of the teachers and teens at one of the schools, (we were beat badly; we miss you Micah and Jianna). Even we have been really busy and been under a lot of stress, we have still had time for some great devotions. So far I think it’s one of the best parts of the trip. We always learn many things from getting into The Word and discussing it with each other. I’m looking forward to learning and growing from the upcoming devotional times.
By Sam White

Sweet Bread
This has been quite the week already. We have done so much, yet we always seem to have energy for more ministry (or at least I do). During the day, we drive from a kids club to the headquarters, and then to another kids club. We are 14 people - and all our equipment - in an 11 passenger van, but we don’t mind in the slightest. I am astonished and overjoyed by the love that my team has for each other, our Latino team members, and most of all, for the ministry.
 The ministry is very different this year. We aren’t used to the weather, and we don’t speak the language (except for telling them that we
don’t speak the language), but God uses us even in our inadequacies. When we are weak, He is glorified more. Even with all our inadequacies, I have seen how the Gospel is working, and I know that the Holy Spirit is at work. It’s only the first few days, and God’s Word is being spread through Guatemala. To God be the Glory!

by Adam Mackie

 Below are some ministry photo's

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